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Sabtu, 24 November 2012

Reupload Hiren's BootCD 15.1 DLC Boot 2012 ver 2.0 | Single Iso | 616 Mb

For you to explore research or computer, or you, the technician mentioned names Hiren's BootCD certainly no stranger. We can say it is an indispensable tool, with many different utilities to help you format, restoring, customizing, etc. .. for personal computer or for your customers (for your technician).

However, the trend of increasingly modern, the copyright law is increasingly difficult, so walking is the update of Hiren's BootCD has omitted many facilities that you have or use such as Norton Ghost, Acronis Disk Director, Acronis True Image, etc. ..

Also, although the names of Hiren's BootCD but have long known, but spent much time Hiren's BootCD rebuild your self that it has not been much improved place. So build your own conduct much to improve compatibility, customization, ease of use, etc. ..

Also for that reason that the DLC Boot version 2012 v2.0 has been to build, for his personal needs. At the same time to share with you can become more complete than in the next version later.

Information the most valuable improvements of the 2012 version v2.0 this DLC Boot (compared with the previous v1.0 DLC Boot 2012):

New Change Boot skin

Fix Error when run dos program (boot on USB with FAT32)
Add Menu Auto Restore Ghost Windows 8
Fix Windows XP Setup from USB
Create new DLC Update BootUSB with syslinux
Add some new menu
Change some menu

* Built-in Mini Windows 7 prepared by them, has been built working environment similar to Windows XP Mini in Hiren's BootCD.

* Built-in Mini Windows XP deducted from Hiren's BootCD 15.1 and has been built, optimizes it.

* The external DOS tools:

PLoP Boot Manager 5.0.14

Partition Tools:

Home 11.0.2343 Acronis Disk Director Update 2
Paragon Partition Manager Server 7.0.1274

Backup Tools:
Norton Ghost 11.5.1

Password & Registry Tools:

Offline Password Changer NT/2000/XP/Vista/7
Active Password Changer 3.0.420 (NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista)
Kon-Boot (to bypass Password)

Hard Disk Tools:

Partition Table Doctor 3.5
Ontrack Disk Manager 9.57
HDD Regenerator 2011 (full)
HDAT2 v4.5.3
MHDD 4.6

Testing Tools:

Memtest86 +

NTFS Ext2FS, Ext3FS (FileSystems) Tools:

1.9 NTFS4Dos

* For the Mini Windows XP / 7:
Tools for MiniXP:
Add Fonts for Mini XP
Set DLC1Temp:
+ Set DLC1Temp
+ Set DLC1Temp On C
On D + Set DLC1Temp
+ Set DLC1Temp On E
+ Set DLC1Temp On F
+ Set DLC1Temp On G
+ Set DLC1Temp On H
Disable TeraCopy Pro 2.27
Enable TeraCopy Pro 2.27
Set the pagefile
Virtual Disk Driver 1.5.7 ImDisk
Clear Temp Folder

Disk Tools:

+ Partition Wizard Server Edition 7.1
EASEUS Partition Master 9.1.0 Server + Edition
+ PartitionGuru Free 3.7.0
Aomei + Professional Edition 4.0 Partition Assistant
+ BootICE 0.9.2011.512
+ Grub4Dos Setup
+ HDD Low Level Format Tool 4.12
Raid Reconstructor 4.25 +
+ Windows Surface Scanner 2.0
Norton Disk Doctor 2007 +
+ 1.6 LinuxReader
+ MapDrive 1.0


+ Acronis True Image Home 2012
+ Ghost32
+ Ghost Explorer
+ GhostCast Server
+ OneKey Ghost
+ Delete junk files before Backup
+ HDClone Professional 4.0.7
Active @ Disk Image 5.1.2 +
+ 7Tokens Manager 1.3

Driver Backup:

+ Driver Genius Pro
3DP Chip 2.12 +
+ Double Driver 4.1.0
+ Smart Driver Backup 2.12

Internet and Network:

+ Mozilla Firefox 10.0.2
+ Build 3 Internet Download Manager 6:09
+ TeamViewer 6.0.10642
+ UltraSurf 11:04
+ Fix Internet 4.0
SoftPerfect Network Scanner 5.4.0 +
+ TFtpd32 (Boot from LAN)


+ Digital Rescue 4 Premium
GetDataBack 4.25 +
+ GetData Recover My Files Pro
+ Professional 5.5.1 EASEUS Data Recovery Wizard
Power Data Recovery 6.6 + MiniTool
ICare Data Recovery 4.5.3 +
O & O DiskRecovery 7.1.183 +
+ CardRecovery 5.30.1206
+ Partition Find and Mount Pro 2.31

System Information:

+ HWiNFO32 3.93.1535
+ CPU-Z 1.60
+ GPU-Z 0.5.9
5:00 Devlib GetDiskSerial + DLL
+ Hard Disk Serial Number Changer


+ Office TextMaker 2012 rev 654
+ Unikey 4.0 RC2


+ UltraISO Premium
+ Express Burn 4:53


+ Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool 2010 (03/05/2012)
+ Kaspersky TDSSKiller
Remove Fake Antivirus + 1.85
+ Win32/Sality Remover


+ Your Uninstaller Pro 7.4.2012.01
+ WinNTSetup 01.02
+ Avast! Registry Editor
+ Delete Job Printer
+ Tools for Windows 7: Windows 7 Quick Fix 1.0, Fix Win7 Utility 1.2, Disable USB On Windows 7
+ Tools for Windows XP: XP Quick Fix Plus 2.0.1, Fix ntldr is missing
Registry Workshop 4.5.0 + TorchSoft
+ Edit Hosts File
+ XueTr 12:45
+ Advanced Defrag


+ Total Commander 8.0 Beta 22
+ 7-Zip 9.20
With CCleaner 14/03/1616 CCEnhancer + 2.5
Safe Mode Fixer +
Gadwin PrintScreen Pro 4.7.2601 +
+ File Splitter & Joiner 3.3
+ Delete Doctor 2.3
+ Epson Printer Resetting
+ 3.0.1000 PassMark KeyboardTest
+ Virtual Drives Manager 1.0
+ RAR Repair Tool 4.0.1
+ Resource Hacker
+ Unlocker
+ BatteryMon 01/02/1004
PassMark MonitorTest + + Windows Key Finder 3.0.1000 + Key Finder Office

USB Tools:

+ USB Disk Storage Format
USB 1.1 + Fix Hidden Folder
+ USB 1.0 Show
USB 1.2 + WriteProtector
Access Manager 1.0 + USB Disks
+ USB 1.4 Test
+ Rufus
+ Transcend JetFlash Recovery Tool 1.0.20

Password Tools:

+ Anti Deep Freeze 0.4
+ CMOS De-Animator 2.1
+ Active @ Password Changer Pro
+ Admin Password Resetter
Ophcrack 3.3.1 +
+ PDF Password Remover 3.12
+ Get Password 1.0

Crack your Windows:

+ Remove WGA 1.2 (Crack Windows XP)
+ Windows 7 Loader 2.1.2 (Crack Windows 7 SP1)
+ RemoveWAT 2.2.6

Reboot: Reboot the machine.
Shutdown: Shutdown.
Boot From HDD: Boot from hard drive.
Boot from Windows Vista/7/8/2008 or XP: Boot into Windows 2000, XP, Vista or Windows 7

Dos Programs: In addition to the old software menu of Hiren's BootCD Dos.
Rebuild Windows XP Mini: Mini Boot into Windows XP (has added a number of new programs).
Windows 7 Portable Mini: Mini Boot into Windows 7 (which has been build for the working environment like Mini Windows XP).

Backup Tools: Boot Menu with the utility for backup and recovery drive.
Partition Tools: Boot Menu with the utility disk management.
Ultilities Tools: Boot Menu with other utilities

Klik untuk melihat
Bagi Anda untuk mengeksplorasi penelitian atau komputer, atau Anda, teknisi menyebutkan nama-nama itu Hiren BootCD pasti tidak asing. Kami bisa mengatakan itu adalah alat yang sangat diperlukan, dengan utilitas yang berbeda untuk membantu Anda format, memulihkan, mengubah, dll .. untuk komputer pribadi atau untuk pelanggan Anda (untuk teknisi Anda).

Namun, tren yang semakin modern, hukum hak cipta yang semakin sulit, sehingga berjalan adalah update dari BootCD Hiren telah menghilangkan banyak fasilitas yang Anda miliki atau menggunakan seperti Norton Ghost, Acronis Disk Director, Acronis True Image, dll ..

Juga, meskipun nama BootCD Hiren tetapi sudah lama dikenal, tetapi menghabiskan banyak waktu Hiren 's BootCD membangun kembali diri Anda yang belum banyak membaik tempat. Jadi membangun perilaku Anda sendiri lebih untuk meningkatkan kompatibilitas, kustomisasi, kemudahan penggunaan, dll ..

Juga untuk alasan bahwa Boot DLC versi 2012 v2.0 telah membangun, untuk kebutuhan pribadinya. Pada saat yang sama untuk berbagi dengan Anda bisa menjadi lebih lengkap daripada di versi berikutnya nanti.

Informasi perbaikan yang paling berharga dari versi 2012 v2.0 ini Boot DLC (dibandingkan dengan Boot DLC sebelumnya v1.0 2012):

Perubahan baru Boot kulit

Memperbaiki Kesalahan saat menjalankan dos Program (boot pada USB dengan FAT32)
Tambahkan menu Auto Restore Ghost Windows 8
Perbaiki Windows XP Setup dari USB
Buat baru DLC Pembaruan BootUSB dengan syslinux
Tambahkan beberapa menu baru
Mengubah beberapa menu

* Built-in Mini Windows 7 disiapkan oleh mereka, telah dibangun lingkungan kerja mirip dengan Windows XP Mini di BootCD Hiren itu.

* Built-in Mini Windows XP dipotong dari Hiren 's BootCD 15.1 dan telah dibangun, mengoptimalkan itu.

* The eksternal DOS alat:

Plop Boot Manager 5.0.14

Partisi Tools:

Rumah 11.0.2343 Acronis Disk Director Update 2
Paragon Partition Manager Server 7.0.1274

Backup Tools:
Norton Ghost 11.5.1

Sandi & Registry Tools:

Offline Password Changer NT/2000/XP/Vista/7
Aktif Password Changer 3.0.420 (NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista)
Kon-Boot (untuk memotong Sandi)

Hard Disk Tools:

Partisi Tabel Dokter 3,5
Ontrack Disk Manager 9,57
HDD Regenerator 2011 (penuh)
HDAT2 v4.5.3
MHDD 4.6

Pengujian Alat:

Memtest86 +

NTFS Ext2FS, Ext3FS (filesystem) Peralatan:

1,9 NTFS4Dos

* Untuk Windows XP Mini / 7:
Alat untuk MiniXP:
Tambahkan Font untuk Mini XP
Set DLC1Temp:
+ Set DLC1Temp
+ Set DLC1Temp Pada C
Pada D + Set DLC1Temp
+ Set DLC1Temp Pada E
+ Set DLC1Temp Pada F
+ Set DLC1Temp Pada G
+ Set DLC1Temp Pada H
Nonaktifkan TeraCopy Pro 2.27
Aktifkan TeraCopy Pro 2.27
Mengatur pagefile
Disk Virtual Driver 1.5.7 ImDisk
Jelas Temp Folder

Disk Tools:

+ Partition Wizard Server Edition 7.1
EASEUS Partition Master 9.1.0 Server Edition +
+ PartitionGuru Gratis 3.7.0
Aomei + Professional Edition 4.0 Partisi Asisten
+ BootICE 0.9.2011.512
+ Grub4dos Pengaturan
+ HDD Low Level Format Alat 4.12
Raid Reconstructor 4,25 +
+ Windows Surface Scanner 2.0
Norton Disk Doctor 2007 +
+ 1,6 LinuxReader
+ MapDrive 1.0


+ Acronis True Image Home 2.012
+ Ghost32
+ Ghost Explorer
+ GhostCast Server
+ OneKey Ghost
+ Hapus file sampah sebelum Backup
+ HDClone Professional 4.0.7
Active @ Disk Image 5.1.2 +
+ 7Tokens Manajer 1.3

Backup Driver:

+ Driver Genius Pro
3DP Chip 2.12 +
+ Ganda Driver 4.1.0
+ Backup Driver Cerdas 2.12

Internet dan Jaringan:

+ Mozilla Firefox 10.0.2
+ Build 3 Internet Download Manager 06:09
+ TeamViewer 6.0.10642
+ UltraSurf 11:04
+ Perbaiki Internet 4.0
SoftPerfect Jaringan Scanner 5.4.0 +
+ TFtpd32 (Boot dari LAN)


+ Penyelamatan Premium 4 Digital
GetDataBack 4.25 +
+ GetData Recover My Files Pro
+ Profesional 5.5.1 EASEUS Data Recovery Wizard
Daya Data Recovery 6.6 + MiniTool
ICare Data Recovery 4.5.3 +
O & O DiskRecovery 7.1.183 +
+ CardRecovery 1206/05/30
+ Partisi Cari dan Gunung 2,31 Pro

Sistem Informasi:

HWiNFO32 + 3.93.1535
+ CPU-Z 1,60
+ GPU-Z 0.5.9
05:00 Devlib GetDiskSerial + DLL
+ Disk Changer Nomor Sulit Serial


+ Office TextMaker 2012 rev 654
+ Unikey 4,0 RC2


+ UltraISO Premium
+ Express Burn 04:53


+ Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool 2010 (2012/03/05)
+ Kaspersky TDSSKiller
Hapus Fake Antivirus + 1,85
+ Win32/Sality Remover


+ Anda Uninstaller Pro 7.4.2012.01
+ WinNTSetup 01.02
+ Avast! Registry Editor
+ Hapus Printer Job
+ Alat untuk Windows 7: Windows 7 Fix 1.0 Cepat, Perbaiki Utilitas Win7 1.2, USB Nonaktifkan Pada Windows 7
+ Alat untuk Windows XP: XP Quick Fix Ditambah 2.0.1, Fix ntldr hilang
Registry Lokakarya 4.5.0 + TorchSoft
+ Sunting Host file
+ XueTr 00:45
Advanced + Defrag


+ Total Commander 8.0 Beta 22
+ 7-Zip 9,20
Dengan CCleaner 14/03/1616 CCEnhancer + 2,5
Safe Mode Fixer +
Gadwin PrintScreen Pro 2601/04/07 +
+ File Splitter & Joiner 3.3
+ Hapus Dokter 2.3
+ Epson Printer ulang
+ 3.0.1000 PassMark KeyboardTest
+ Virtual Drives Manajer 1.0
+ RAR Repair Tool 4.0.1
+ Resource Hacker
+ Unlocker
+ BatteryMon 1004/01/02
PassMark MonitorTest + + Windows Key Finder 3.0.1000 + Office Key Finder

USB Peralatan:

+ USB Disk Storage Format
USB 1.1 + Folder Tersembunyi Fix
+ USB 1.0 Tampilkan
USB 1.2 + WriteProtector
Manajer Akses 1.0 + Disk USB
+ USB 1.4 Uji
+ Rufus
+ Transcend JetFlash Recovery Tool 1.0.20

Sandi Alat:

+ Deep Freeze Anti 0.4
+ CMOS De-Animator 2.1
+ Active @ Password Changer Pro
+ Resetter Admin Sandi
Ophcrack 3.3.1 +
+ PDF Password Remover 3.12
Sandi + 1.0 Dapatkan

Crack Windows Anda:

+ Hapus WGA 1.2 (Crack Windows XP)
+ Windows 7 Loader 2.1.2 (Crack Windows 7 SP1)
+ RemoveWAT 2.2.6

Reboot: Reboot mesin.
Shutdown: Shutdown.
Boot Dari HDD: Boot dari hard drive.
Boot dari Windows XP atau Vista/7/8/2008: Boot ke Windows 2000, XP, Vista atau Windows 7

Program Dos: Selain menu software lama Hiren 's BootCD Dos.
Rebuild Windows XP Mini: Boot Mini ke Windows XP (telah menambahkan sejumlah program baru).
Windows 7 Portabel Mini: Boot Mini ke Windows 7 (yang telah membangun untuk lingkungan kerja seperti Mini Windows XP).

Backup Tools: Boot Menu dengan utilitas untuk backup dan drive pemulihan.
Partisi Peralatan: Boot Menu dengan manajemen disk utilitas.
Ultilities Peralatan: Boot Menu dengan utilitas lain

Code : HB.CD.15.1
No Password

This Resumable Link and Speed
Sellect 1 Link Dont All Thanks ^^

1. Download Here Via Sharebees



2. Download Here Via Billionupload


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